DataExchangeMessageSeverity Enumeration
Error levels for DataExchangeLog

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since:  2016
Since:  2016


public enum DataExchangeMessageSeverity
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration DataExchangeMessageSeverity
Visual C++
public enum class DataExchangeMessageSeverity


Member nameDescription
Info Informational message, such as successful creation fo a face, edge or a solid.
Warning A potential problem. The converted data should be carefully examined and/or compared to the source data
Error A problem. The converted data should be carefully examined and/or compared to the source data. The application may want to cancel the conversion process.
FatalError A serious problem that makes further data conversion pointless. The conversion process will be cancelled.

See Also