CompoundStructureError Enumeration
When CompoundStructure::isValid() returns false, it uses these values to indicate precise nature of defect.

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since:  2012


public enum CompoundStructureError
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration CompoundStructureError
Visual C++
public enum class CompoundStructureError


Member nameDescription
BadShellOrder Layer Function Priorities ascend from the Core Boundary to the Finish Face.
CoreTooThin Core contain a membrane layer or thickness of core is zero.
MembraneTooThick Thickness of membrane layer is more than zero.
NonmembraneTooThin Thickness of non-membrane layer is too thin.
BadShellsStructure The number of shell layers is larger than the total number of layers.
ThinOuterLayer Thickness of face layer is too thin.
VerticalUnusedLayer A layer is not membrane layer and the Thickness of layer is zero.
VerticalWrongOrderLayer Layers assigned to the same Row are not on the same side of the Core Boundary.
VerticalWrongOrderCoreExterior Exterior core boundary have more than one face at any height.
VerticalWrongOrderCoreInterior Interior core boundary have more than one face at any height.
VerticalWrongOrderMembrane Membrane Layer have more than one face at any height.
DeckCantBoundAbove There is no layer above Structural deck or it is too thin.
DeckCantBoundBelow There is no layer below Structural deck or it is too thin.
VarThickLayerCantBeZero Variable thickness layer have zero thickness.
InvalidMaterialId Element id used as material id does not correspond to an actual MaterialElem.
ExtensibleRegionsNotContiguousAlongTop Extension Layers at the top of the wall must be adjacent.
ExtensibleRegionsNotContiguousAlongBottom Extension Layers at the bottom of the wall must be adjacent.
InvalidProfileId Element id used as profile id does not correspond to a valid deck profile.


'LayerTooThin' enum value was removed in 2016

See Also