RiseDropSymbol Enumeration
This enumeration corresponds to the rise/drop symbol used in mechanical systems

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Mechanical
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since:  2012


public enum RiseDropSymbol
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration RiseDropSymbol
Visual C++
public enum class RiseDropSymbol


Member nameDescription
CustomSymbol A userdefined symbol for rise/drop graphics is used
NoSymbol No rise/drop graphics will be used
Outline Outline only no internal geometry
Cross Duct supply rise/drop with X pattern
CrossFilled Duct supply rise/drop with X pattern and top and bottom of X is filled
Slash Duct return rise/drop with / pattern
SlashFilled Duct return rise/drop with / pattern and lower right / is filled
Backslash Duct return rise/drop with \ pattern
BackslashFilled Duct return rise/drop with \ pattern and lower left \ is filled
Wye Duct exhaust rise/drop with \/ pattern
ReverseWye Duct exhaust rise/drop with /\ pattern
OutlineFilled Outline only no internal geometry and filled to be solid
YinYang Pipe contour rise/drop and 2 half circles (yin-yang)
YinYangFilled Pipe contour rise/drop and 2 half circles (yin-yang) left side is filled
BendThreeQuarterCircle Pipe 1 Line bend 3/4 circle
BendFullCircle Pipe 1 Line bend full circle
TeeHalfCircle Pipe 1 Line junction 1/2 circle on each side
TeeFullCircle Pipe 1 Line junction full circle
CrossNoOutline Cable Tray 1 Line a cross without outline
WyeFilled Duct exhaust rise/drop with \/ pattern and lower left / is filled
ReverseWyeFilled Duct exhaust rise/drop with /\ pattern and lower right \ is filled

See Also