AreaReinforcementLayerType Enumeration
Describes the layers of an Area Reinforcement

Namespace: Autodesk.Revit.DB.Structure
Assembly: RevitAPI (in RevitAPI.dll) Version: (
Since:  2022
Since:  2022


public enum AreaReinforcementLayerType
Visual Basic
Public Enumeration AreaReinforcementLayerType
Visual C++
public enum class AreaReinforcementLayerType


Member nameDescription
TopOrFrontMajor Reinforcement layer is on the top face of a floor host, or on the front face of a wall host in the major direction.
TopOrFrontMinor Reinforcement layer is on the top face of a floor host, or on the front face of a wall host in the minor direction.
BottomOrBackMajor Reinforcement layer is on the bottom face of a floor host, or on the back face of a wall host in the major direction.
BottomOrBackMinor Reinforcement layer is on the bottom face of a floor host, or on the back face of a wall host in the minor direction.

See Also