IDuctFittingAndAccessoryPressureDropUIServer Members

The IDuctFittingAndAccessoryPressureDropUIServer type exposes the following members.


Public methodGetDBServerId
Returns the Id of the corresponding DB server for which this server provides an optional UI.
Public methodGetDescription
Implement this method to return a description of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer.)
Public methodGetName
Implement this method to return the name of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer.)
Public methodGetServerId
Implement this method to return the id of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer.)
Public methodGetServiceId
Implement this method to return the id of the service.
(Inherited from IExternalServer.)
Public methodGetVendorId
Implement this method to return the id of the vendor of the server.
(Inherited from IExternalServer.)
Public methodShowSettings
Shows the settings UI.

See Also