Autodesk.Revit.DB.Electrical Namespace


Public classAnalyticalBusData
Represents the data and parameters of analytical bus node.
Public classAnalyticalDistributionNodePropertyData
Represents the data and parameters of electrical analytical node.
Public classAnalyticalEquipmentLoadData
Represents the data and parameters of point load node.
Public classAnalyticalPowerSourceData
Represents the data and parameters of analytical power source node.
Public classAnalyticalTransferSwitchData
Represents the data and parameters of electrical analytical transfer switch.
Public classAreaBasedLoadBoundaryLineData
Wrapper class used to access area based load boundary line related data.
Public classAreaBasedLoadData
Represents the electrical area based load data.
Public classAreaBasedLoadType
This class represents an area based load type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCableTray
This class represents a cable tray in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCableTrayConduitBase
The CableTrayConduitBase class is implemented as the base class for cable tray or conduit
Public classCableTrayConduitRunBase
The base class for a cable tray or conduit run in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCableTrayRun
This class represents a cable tray run in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCableTraySettings
The cable tray settings.
Public classCableTraySizeIterator
An iterator to a set of MEP cable tray sizes from CableTraySizes.
Public classCableTraySizes
Cable tray sizes.
Public classCableTrayType
This class represents a cable tray type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCircuitNamingScheme
This class represents a circuit naming scheme in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCircuitNamingSchemeSettings
This class represents a circuit naming scheme settings in Autodesk Revit.
Public classConduit
This class represents a conduit in Autodesk Revit.
Public classConduitRun
This class represents a conduit run in Autodesk Revit.
Public classConduitSettings
The conduit settings.
Public classConduitSize
Stores the basic size information for a conduit.
Public classConduitSizeIterator
An iterator to a set of conduit sizes from ConduitSizes.
Public classConduitSizes
Class ConduitSizeSet being used to store the conduit sizes.
Public classConduitSizeSettingIterator
An iterator to a set of items from ConduitSizeSettings. Each item is a KeyValuePair(System::String^, ConduitSizes). ElementId is the id of the conduit standard type.
Public classConduitSizeSettings
Conduit sizes settings
Public classConduitType
This class represents a conduit type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classCorrectionFactor
Represents electrical correction factor information.
Public classCorrectionFactorSet
A set that contains correction factors.
Public classCorrectionFactorSetIterator
An iterator to a correction factor set.
Public classDistributionSysType
Represents a specific type of distribution system.
Public classDistributionSysTypeSet
A set that contains DistributionSys types.
Public classDistributionSysTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a DistributionSys type set.
Public classElectricalAnalyticalNode
Represents an electrical analytical node under the Analytical Power Distribution in the System Browser.
Public classElectricalDemandFactorDefinition
The ElectricalDemandFactorDef class represents a serialized version of an instance of demand factor definition. It has a name, rule type, and values for the rules that are serialized.
Public classElectricalDemandFactorValue
This class represents values used by a particular demand factor definition. Each instance corresponds to a row in a table of values. These values are part of the ElectricalDemandFactorDefinition class.
Public classElectricalEquipment
Provides access to the Electrical Equipment in Autodesk Revit.
Public classElectricalLoadAreaData
Represents the electrical load area data.
Public classElectricalLoadClassification
The ElectricalLoadClassification class represents a serialized version of an instance of load classification.
Public classElectricalSetting
The ElectricalSetting class represents an instance of element of electrical settings.
Public classElectricalSystem
Provides access to the Electrical System in Autodesk Revit MEP.
Public classGroundConductorSize
Represents electrical ground conductor size definition information.
Public classGroundConductorSizeSet
A set that contains GroundConductorSizes.
Public classGroundConductorSizeSetIterator
An iterator to a GroundConductorSize set.
Public classInsulationType
Represents electrical insulation type definition information.
Public classInsulationTypeSet
A set that contains insulation types.
Public classInsulationTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a insulation type set.
Public classLightingDevice
Provides access to the Lighting Device in Autodesk Revit MEP.
Public classLightingFixture
Provides access to the Lighting Fixture in Autodesk Revit MEP.
Public classPanelScheduleData
The PanelScheduleData class holds most of the data that describe the layout, appearance, and style of the rows, columns, and cells of a panel schedule
Public classPanelScheduleSheetInstance
The class represents an instance of a panel schedule placed on sheet.
Public classPanelScheduleTemplate
The PanelScheduleTemplate class represents an instance of panel schedule template element. An instance object could be a branch panel, a switchboard or a data panel template.
Public classPanelScheduleView
An instance of a panel schedule view.
Public classTemperatureRatingType
Represents temperature rating type definition information.
Public classTemperatureRatingTypeSet
A set that contains TemperatureRating types.
Public classTemperatureRatingTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a TemperatureRating type set.
Public classVoltageType
Represents electrical voltage type. An electrical voltage type define a range of voltages, and circuits can be created between components with rated voltages that do not precisely match the voltage definition value.
Public classVoltageTypeSet
A set that contains voltage types.
Public classVoltageTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a voltage type set.
Public classWire
Electrical wire element.
Public classWireConduitType
Represents a specific conduit type of wire type.
Public classWireConduitTypeSet
A set that contains conduit types.
Public classWireConduitTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a conduit type set.
Public classWireMaterialType
Represents electrical wire material type definition information of wire type.
Public classWireMaterialTypeSet
A set that contains wire material types.
Public classWireMaterialTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a wire material type set.
Public classWireSet
A set that can contain any type of object.
Public classWireSetIterator
An iterator to a set.
Public classWireSize
Represents specific electrical wire size information.
Public classWireSizeSet
A set that contains wire sizes.
Public classWireSizeSetIterator
An iterator to a wire size set.
Public classWireType
Represents a specific wire type.
Public classWireTypeSet
A set that contains wire types.
Public classWireTypeSetIterator
An iterator to a wire type set.


Public enumerationCableTrayShape
Shape types enum of cable tray
Public enumerationCapitalizationForLoadNames
Enumerated type listing the options for how electrical load names should be capitalized.
Public enumerationCircuitConnectionType
An enumerated type indicates the panel to panel connection type
Public enumerationCircuitLoadCalculationMethod
Methods to calculate circuit loads
Public enumerationCircuitNaming
An enumerated type listing all the circuit naming options.
Public enumerationCircuitNumberingOption
An enumerated type listing all the circuit numbering options.
Public enumerationCircuitSequence
Options of circuit sequence for assigning circuit to circuits across panel.
Public enumerationCircuitType
An enumerated type listing all the possible circuit types.
Public enumerationElectricalAnalyticalNodeType
The type of electrical analytical node.
Public enumerationElectricalCircuitPathMode
An enumerated type indicates the circuit path mode
Public enumerationElectricalDemandFactorRule
This enum describes the different demand factor rule types available to the application. Within a demand factor a rule will be referenced and the user will have to enter values corresponding to that rule.
Public enumerationElectricalLoadClassificationData
This enum is used by the ElectricalLoadClassification class as additional data whenever data members changed. It is used as the additional data when the atom corresponding to each data member is touched.
Public enumerationElectricalLoadClassificationSpace
This enum is used by the ElectricalLoadClassification to specify the load class for use with spaces.
Public enumerationElectricalLoadType
Represents the electrical load type.
Public enumerationElectricalPhase
An enumerated type to specify whether the electrical system is single phase or three phase.
Public enumerationElectricalPhaseConfiguration
An enumerated type to specify the electrical phase configuration.
Public enumerationElectricalSystemType
An enumerated type listing all the possible electrical system types for a connector object.
Public enumerationLoadClassification
An enumerated type to list all demand factor classifications.
Public enumerationLoadClassificationType
An enumerated type listing all the possible load classification types for a connector object.
Public enumerationNeutralMode
An enumerated type to list the neutral mode for wire type.
Public enumerationPanelConfiguration
This enum declares the configuration for given panel schedule type.
Public enumerationPanelSchedulePhaseLoadType
Declares the panel schedule type. The comments for each enum type show a simple example of how the layout would look when applied to a panel schedule
Public enumerationPanelScheduleType
This enum declares the panel schedule type.
Public enumerationPowerFactorStateType
An enumerated type listing all the possible power factor state types for a connector object.
Public enumerationWiringType
An enumerated type to list all wiring types.