Autodesk.Revit.UI.Events Namespace


Public classApplicationClosingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ApplicationClosing event.
Public classBeforeExecutedEventArgs
The event arguments used by AddInCommandBinding's BeforeExecuted event.
Public classCanExecuteEventArgs
The event arguments used by AddInCommandBinding's CanExecute event.
Public classComboBoxCurrentChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by ComboBox's CurrentChanged event.
Public classComboBoxDropDownClosedEventArgs
The event arguments used by ComboBox's DropDownClosed event.
Public classComboBoxDropDownOpenedEventArgs
The event arguments used by ComboBox's DropDownOpened event.
Public classCommandEventArgs
The base class of the command Executed and CanExecute event arguments.
Public classDialogBoxData
An object that is passed to your application when a dialog is displayed in Revit.
Public classDialogBoxShowingEventArgs
The base class for the event arguments used by the DialogBoxShowing event.
Public classDisplayingOptionsDialogEventArgs
The event arguments used by DisplayingOptionDialog event.
Public classDockableFrameFocusChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DockableFrameActivatedChanged event.
Public classDockableFrameVisibilityChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DockableFrameVisibilityChanged event.
Public classExecutedEventArgs
The event arguments used by AddInCommandBinding's Executed event.
Public classFabricationPartBrowserChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the FabricationPartBrowserChangedEventArgs event.
Public classFormulaEditingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DocumentSaving event.
Public classIdlingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the Idling event.
Public classMessageBoxData
An object that represents a simple message box that prompts the user for some action.
Public classMessageBoxShowingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DialogBoxShowing event when a Windows message box is about to be displayed in Revit.
Public classRibbonItemEventArgs
The base class of the RibbonItem event arguments which have UIApplication property.
Public classSelectionChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the SelectionChanged event.
Public classTaskDialogShowingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the DialogBoxShowing event when a Revit task dialog that prompts the user for some action is shown.
Public classTextBoxEnterPressedEventArgs
The event arguments used by TextBox's EnterPressed event.
Public classThemeChangedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ThemeChanged event.
Public classTransferredProjectStandardsEventArgs
The event arguments used by the TransferredProjectStandards event.
Public classTransferringProjectStandardsEventArgs
The event arguments used by the TransferringProjectStandards event.
Public classViewActivatedEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewActivated event.
Public classViewActivatingEventArgs
The event arguments used by the ViewActivating event.


Public enumerationFabricationPartBrowserOperation
Operations for the FabricationPartBrowserChangedEventArgs Event