Autodesk.Revit.DB.Architecture Namespace


Public classBalusterInfo
The class represents an instance of a railing baluster or post.
Public classBalusterPattern
Baluster pattern class.
Public classBalusterPlacement
A class which contains information regarding baluster and post placement for a given railing type.
Public classBuildingPad
Represents a BuildingPad element.
Public classContinuousRail
Represents a continuous rail element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classContinuousRailType
A type element containing the properties of a continuous rail.
Public classCutMarkType
An object represents the cut mark type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classFascia
An object that represents a fascia within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public classFasciaType
An object that represents the fascia type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classGutter
An object that represents a gutter within the Autodesk Revit project.
Public classGutterType
An object that represents the gutter type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classHandRail
Represents a hand rail element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classHandRailType
A rail type object that is used in the generation of hand rail.
Public classMultistoryStairs
Represents a multistory stairs element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classNonContinuousRailInfo
A class which contains information needed to define a single non-continuous rail in a [!:Autodesk::Revit::DB::Architecture::RailingType].
Public classNonContinuousRailStructure
A class that represents a collection of Non-Continuous Rails being a part of Railing Type.
Public classPostPattern
Post pattern class.
Public classRailing
Represents a railing element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classRailingType
An object supporting management of baluster and post placement within the railing type.
Public classRoom
Provides access to the room topology in Autodesk Revit.
Public classRoomFilter
A filter used to match rooms.
Public classRoomTag
Provides access to the room tag in Autodesk Revit.
Public classRoomTagFilter
A filter used to match room tags.
Public classRoomTagType
An object that represents a Room Tag type.
Public classSiteSubRegion
Represents a proxy class exposing the interfaces needed to access details of a subregion.
Public classStairs
Represents a stairs element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classStairsComponentConnection
Represents information about a connection among stairs components(run to landing).
Public classStairsLanding
An object that represents a stairs landing in Autodesk Revit.
Public classStairsLandingType
Represents a stairs landing type in Autodesk Revit.
Public classStairsPath
An object that represents the stairs path.
Public classStairsPathType
An object represents the stairs path type.
Public classStairsRun
Represents a stairs run element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classStairsRunType
A stairs run type object that is used in the generation of stairs run.
Public classStairsType
A type element containing the properties for a component-based stair.
Public classTopographyEditScope
A TopographyEditScope allows an application to create and maintain an editing session for a TopographySurface.
Public classTopographyLinkType
This class represents the site file brought into the current Revit document.
Public classTopographySurface
Represents a TopographySurface element.
Public classTopRail
Represents a top rail element in Autodesk Revit.
Public classTopRailType
A rail type object that is used in the generation of top rail.


Public enumerationBreakCornerCondition
Condition on which the corner post is inserted.
Public enumerationBreakPatternCondition
Condition on which patterns distribution will be broken.
Public enumerationCutLineType
The available line types for a stairs cut line.
Public enumerationCutMarkSymbol
The available shapes for the cut mark symbol.
Public enumerationHandRailPosition
The position of the hand rail.
Public enumerationPatternJustification
Justification of patterns distribution.
Public enumerationRailAngledJoinOption
The angled joins of the rails.
Public enumerationRailConnectionOption
The connections between rails.
Public enumerationRailExtensionStyle
The extension style of the rail.
Public enumerationRailIndex
The continuous rail position index.
Public enumerationRailingHeightCorrectionOption
Railing height correction option.
Public enumerationRailingPathCurveJoinOption
The join type of the railing path.
Public enumerationRailingPlacementPosition
Railing placement position.
Public enumerationRailingSlopeOption
The option determines the slope of the railing.
Public enumerationRailJoinOption
The join type of the system rails.
Public enumerationRailSupportJustification
The justification of the rail supports.
Public enumerationRailSupportsLayout
The layout of the rail supports.
Public enumerationRailTagentJoinOption
The tangent joins of the rails.
Public enumerationRailTransitionOption
The transition type of the continuous rail.
Public enumerationRailTypeDefaultJoinOption
The default join type of the rail.
Public enumerationRiserToTreadConnectionOption
Represents the connection style of the riser and tread in relation to each other.
Public enumerationSketchedCurveSlopeOption
The option determines the slop of the sketched run/landing.
Public enumerationStairsComponentConnectionEndType
The end type identifying the connection type among stairs runs and landings.
Public enumerationStairsConstructionMethod
Represents the construction method of the stairs.
Public enumerationStairsEndConnectionType
The join style between a run and landing.
Public enumerationStairsEndNotchOption
The style of notch width for the stairs.
Public enumerationStairsNumberSystemReferenceOption
The reference types permitted for a number system to refer to the geometry of a stairs run.
Public enumerationStairsPathDirection
The direction style of stairs path.
Public enumerationStairsPathLineShapeAtCorner
The options for the line shape of a stairs path at a corner.
Public enumerationStairsRunJustification
The position of the run relative to the Up-direction path used to create the run.
Public enumerationStairsRunStyle
The shape of a run. Different shape has different ways of manipulation.
Public enumerationStairsSupportTopsideSurfaceType
The style of the topside surface of the support.
Public enumerationStairsTextOrientation
The options to be used when orienting text annotations relative to stairs.
Public enumerationStairsUndersideSurfaceStyle
The style of the underside surface of the run.
Public enumerationStairsWinderStyle
The calculation method for the layout of the winder run steps.
Public enumerationTreadNosingPosition
Represents on which edges of the nosing to apply the nosing profile.
Public enumerationWinderPathResult
Flag indicates whether curves are valid to use as base lines for winder path.