UnitTypeId Members

The UnitTypeId type exposes the following members.


Public propertyStatic memberAcres
Public propertyStatic memberAmperes
Public propertyStatic memberAtmospheres
Public propertyStatic memberBars
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnits
British thermal units.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerHour
British thermal units per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerHourCubicFoot
British thermal units per hour cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerHourFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per hour foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerHourSquareFoot
British thermal units per hour square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerHourSquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per hour square foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerPound
British thermal units per pound.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per pound degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerSecond
British thermal units per second.
Public propertyStatic memberBritishThermalUnitsPerSquareFootDegreeFahrenheit
British thermal units per square foot degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberCalories
Public propertyStatic memberCaloriesPerSecond
Calories per second.
Public propertyStatic memberCandelas
Public propertyStatic memberCandelasPerSquareFoot
Candelas per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberCandelasPerSquareMeter
Candelas per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberCelsius
Public propertyStatic memberCelsiusInterval
Celsius interval.
Public propertyStatic memberCentimeters
Public propertyStatic memberCentimetersPerMinute
Centimeters per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberCentimetersToTheFourthPower
Centimeters to the fourth power.
Public propertyStatic memberCentimetersToTheSixthPower
Centimeters to the sixth power.
Public propertyStatic memberCentipoises
Public propertyStatic memberCubicCentimeters
Cubic centimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeet
Cubic feet.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerHour
Cubic feet per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerKip
Cubic feet per kip.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerMinute
Cubic feet per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerMinuteCubicFoot
Cubic feet per minute cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerMinutePerBritishThermalUnitPerHour
Cubic feet per minute per British thermal unit per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerMinuteSquareFoot
Cubic feet per minute square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerMinuteTonOfRefrigeration
Cubic feet per minute ton of refrigeration.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicFeetPerPoundMass
Cubic feet per pound mass.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicInches
Cubic inches.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMeters
Cubic meters.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerHour
Cubic meters per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerHourCubicMeter
Cubic meters per hour cubic meter.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerHourSquareMeter
Cubic meters per hour square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerKilogram
Cubic meters per kilogram.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerKilonewton
Cubic meters per kilonewton.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerSecond
Cubic meters per second.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMetersPerWattSecond
Cubic meters per watt second.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicMillimeters
Cubic millimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberCubicYards
Cubic yards.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrency
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerBritishThermalUnit
Cost per British thermal unit.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerBritishThermalUnitPerHour
Cost per British thermal unit per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerSquareFoot
Cost per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerSquareMeter
Cost per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerWatt
Cost per watt.
Public propertyStatic memberCurrencyPerWattHour
Cost per watt hour.
Public propertyStatic memberCustom
Unrecognized custom unit.
Public propertyStatic memberCyclesPerSecond
Cycles per second.
Public propertyStatic memberDecimeters
Public propertyStatic memberDegrees
Public propertyStatic memberDegreesMinutes
Degrees minutes seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberDekanewtonMeters
Dekanewton meters.
Public propertyStatic memberDekanewtonMetersPerMeter
Dekanewton meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberDekanewtons
Public propertyStatic memberDekanewtonsPerMeter
Dekanewtons per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberDekanewtonsPerSquareMeter
Dekanewtons per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberFahrenheit
Public propertyStatic memberFahrenheitInterval
Fahrenheit interval.
Public propertyStatic memberFeet
Public propertyStatic memberFeetFractionalInches
Feet and fractional inches.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetOfWater39_2DegreesFahrenheit
Feet of water (39.2 °F).
Public propertyStatic memberFeetOfWater39_2DegreesFahrenheitPer100Feet
Feet of water (39.2 °F) per 100 feet.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetPerKip
Feet per kip.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetPerMinute
Feet per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetPerSecond
Feet per second.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetPerSecondSquared
Feet per second squared.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetToTheFourthPower
Feet to the fourth power.
Public propertyStatic memberFeetToTheSixthPower
Feet to the sixth power.
Public propertyStatic memberFixed
Public propertyStatic memberFootcandles
Public propertyStatic memberFootlamberts
Public propertyStatic memberFractionalInches
Fractional inches.
Public propertyStatic memberGeneral
Public propertyStatic memberGradians
Public propertyStatic memberGrainsPerHourSquareFootInchMercury
Grains per hour square foot inch mercury.
Public propertyStatic memberHectares
Public propertyStatic memberHertz
Public propertyStatic memberHorsepower
Public propertyStatic memberHours
Public propertyStatic memberHourSquareFootDegreesFahrenheitPerBritishThermalUnit
Hour square foot degrees Fahrenheit per British thermal unit.
Public propertyStatic memberInches
Public propertyStatic memberInchesOfMercury32DegreesFahrenheit
Inches of mercury (32 °F).
Public propertyStatic memberInchesOfWater60DegreesFahrenheit
Inches of water (60 °F).
Public propertyStatic memberInchesOfWater60DegreesFahrenheitPer100Feet
Inches of water (60 °F) per 100 feet.
Public propertyStatic memberInchesPerSecondSquared
Inches per second squared.
Public propertyStatic memberInchesToTheFourthPower
Inches to the fourth power.
Public propertyStatic memberInchesToTheSixthPower
Inches to the sixth power.
Public propertyStatic memberInverseDegreesCelsius
Inverse degrees Celsius.
Public propertyStatic memberInverseDegreesFahrenheit
Inverse degrees Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberInverseKilonewtons
Inverse kilonewtons.
Public propertyStatic memberInverseKips
Inverse kips.
Public propertyStatic memberJoules
Public propertyStatic memberJoulesPerGram
Joules per gram.
Public propertyStatic memberJoulesPerGramDegreeCelsius
Joules per gram degree Celsius.
Public propertyStatic memberJoulesPerKelvin
Joules per Kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberJoulesPerKilogramDegreeCelsius
Joules per kilogram degree Celsius.
Public propertyStatic memberJoulesPerSquareMeterKelvin
Joules per square meter Kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberKelvin
Public propertyStatic memberKelvinInterval
Kelvin interval.
Public propertyStatic memberKiloamperes
Public propertyStatic memberKilocalories
Public propertyStatic memberKilocaloriesPerSecond
Kilocalories per second.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramForceMeters
Kilogram force meters.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramForceMetersPerMeter
Kilogram force meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilograms
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsForce
Kilograms force.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsForcePerMeter
Kilograms force per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsForcePerSquareMeter
Kilograms force per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerCubicMeter
Kilograms per cubic meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerHour
Kilograms per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerKilogramKelvin
Kilograms per kilogram kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerMeter
Kilograms per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerMeterHour
Kilograms per meter hour.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerMeterSecond
Kilograms per meter second.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerMinute
Kilograms per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerSecond
Kilograms per second.
Public propertyStatic memberKilogramsPerSquareMeter
Kilograms per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilojoules
Public propertyStatic memberKilojoulesPerKelvin
Kilojoules per Kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberKilojoulesPerSquareMeterKelvin
Kilojoules per square meter Kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberKilometersPerHour
Kilometers per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberKilometersPerSecondSquared
Kilometers per second squared.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonMeters
Kilonewton meters.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonMetersPerDegree
Kilonewton meters per degree.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonMetersPerDegreePerMeter
Kilonewton meters per degree per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonMetersPerMeter
Kilonewton meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtons
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonsPerCubicMeter
Kilonewtons per cubic meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonsPerMeter
Kilonewtons per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonsPerSquareCentimeter
Kilonewtons per square centimeter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonsPerSquareMeter
Kilonewtons per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilonewtonsPerSquareMillimeter
Kilonewtons per square millimeter.
Public propertyStatic memberKilopascals
Public propertyStatic memberKilovoltAmperes
Kilovolt amperes.
Public propertyStatic memberKilovolts
Public propertyStatic memberKilowattHours
Kilowatt hours.
Public propertyStatic memberKilowatts
Public propertyStatic memberKipFeet
Kip feet.
Public propertyStatic memberKipFeetPerDegree
Kip feet per degree.
Public propertyStatic memberKipFeetPerDegreePerFoot
Kip feet per degree per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberKipFeetPerFoot
Kip feet per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberKips
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerCubicFoot
Kips per cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerCubicInch
Kips per cubic inch.
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerFoot
Kips per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerInch
Kips per inch.
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerSquareFoot
Kips per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberKipsPerSquareInch
Kips per square inch.
Public propertyStatic memberLiters
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerHour
Liters per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerMinute
Liters per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerSecond
Liters per second.
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerSecondCubicMeter
Liters per second cubic meter.
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerSecondKilowatt
Liters per second kilowatt.
Public propertyStatic memberLitersPerSecondSquareMeter
Liters per second square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberLumens
Public propertyStatic memberLumensPerWatt
Lumens per watt.
Public propertyStatic memberLux
Public propertyStatic memberMeganewtonMeters
Meganewton meters.
Public propertyStatic memberMeganewtonMetersPerMeter
Meganewton meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberMeganewtons
Public propertyStatic memberMeganewtonsPerMeter
Meganewtons per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberMeganewtonsPerSquareMeter
Meganewtons per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberMegapascals
Public propertyStatic memberMeters
Public propertyStatic memberMetersCentimeters
Meters and centimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersOfWaterColumn
Meters of water column.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersOfWaterColumnPerMeter
Meters of water column per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersPerKilonewton
Meters per kilonewton.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersPerSecond
Meters per second.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersPerSecondSquared
Meters per second squared.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersToTheFourthPower
Meters to the fourth power.
Public propertyStatic memberMetersToTheSixthPower
Meters to the sixth power.
Public propertyStatic memberMicroinchesPerInchDegreeFahrenheit
Microinches per inch degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberMicrometersPerMeterDegreeCelsius
Micrometers per meter degree Celsius.
Public propertyStatic memberMilesPerHour
Miles per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberMilesPerSecondSquared
Miles per second squared.
Public propertyStatic memberMilliamperes
Public propertyStatic memberMillimeters
Public propertyStatic memberMillimetersOfMercury
Millimeters of mercury.
Public propertyStatic memberMillimetersOfWaterColumn
Millimeters of water column.
Public propertyStatic memberMillimetersOfWaterColumnPerMeter
Millimeters of water column per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberMillimetersToTheFourthPower
Millimeters to the fourth power.
Public propertyStatic memberMillimetersToTheSixthPower
Millimeters to the sixth power.
Public propertyStatic memberMilliseconds
Public propertyStatic memberMillivolts
Public propertyStatic memberMinutes
Public propertyStatic memberNanogramsPerPascalSecondSquareMeter
Nanograms per pascal second square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonMeters
Newton meters.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonMetersPerMeter
Newton meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtons
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonSecondsPerSquareMeter
Newton seconds per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonsPerMeter
Newtons per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonsPerSquareMeter
Newtons per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberNewtonsPerSquareMillimeter
Newtons per square millimeter.
Public propertyStatic memberOhmMeters
Ohm meters.
Public propertyStatic memberOneToRatio
1 : Ratio.
Public propertyStatic memberPascals
Public propertyStatic memberPascalSeconds
Pascal seconds.
Public propertyStatic memberPascalsPerMeter
Pascals per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberPercentage
Public propertyStatic memberPerMille
Per mille.
Public propertyStatic memberPi
Multiples of π.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundForceFeet
Pound force feet.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundForceFeetPerFoot
Pound force feet per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundForceSecondsPerSquareFoot
Pound force seconds per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsForce
Pounds force.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsForcePerCubicFoot
Pounds force per cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsForcePerFoot
Pounds force per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsForcePerSquareFoot
Pounds force per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsForcePerSquareInch
Pounds force per square inch.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMass
Pounds mass.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerCubicFoot
Pounds mass per cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerCubicInch
Pounds mass per cubic inch.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerFoot
Pounds mass per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerFootHour
Pounds mass per foot hour.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerFootSecond
Pounds mass per foot second.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerHour
Pounds mass per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerMinute
Pounds mass per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerPoundDegreeFahrenheit
Pounds mass per pound degree Fahrenheit.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerSecond
Pounds mass per second.
Public propertyStatic memberPoundsMassPerSquareFoot
Pounds mass per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberRadians
Public propertyStatic memberRadiansPerSecond
Radians per second.
Public propertyStatic memberRankine
Public propertyStatic memberRankineInterval
Rankine interval.
Public propertyStatic memberRatioTo1
Ratio : 1.
Public propertyStatic memberRatioTo10
Ratio : 10.
Public propertyStatic memberRatioTo12
Ratio : 12.
Public propertyStatic memberRevolutionsPerMinute
Revolutions per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberRevolutionsPerSecond
Revolutions per second.
Public propertyStatic memberRiseDividedBy1000Millimeters
Rise / 1000 millimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberRiseDividedBy10Feet
Rise / 10 feet.
Public propertyStatic memberRiseDividedBy120Inches
Rise / 120 inches.
Public propertyStatic memberRiseDividedBy12Inches
Rise / 12 inches.
Public propertyStatic memberRiseDividedBy1Foot
Rise / 1 foot.
Public propertyStatic memberSeconds
Public propertyStatic memberSlopeDegrees
Public propertyStatic memberSquareCentimeters
Square centimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareCentimetersPerMeter
Square centimeters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeet
Square feet.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeetPer1000BritishThermalUnitsPerHour
Square feet per thousand British thermal units per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeetPerFoot
Square feet per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeetPerKip
Square feet per kip.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeetPerSecond
Square feet per second.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareFeetPerTonOfRefrigeration
Square feet per ton of refrigeration.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareInches
Square inches.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareInchesPerFoot
Square inches per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMeterKelvinsPerWatt
Square meter kelvins per watt.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMeters
Square meters.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMetersPerKilonewton
Square meters per kilonewton.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMetersPerKilowatt
Square meters per kilowatt.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMetersPerMeter
Square meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMetersPerSecond
Square meters per second.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMillimeters
Square millimeters.
Public propertyStatic memberSquareMillimetersPerMeter
Square millimeters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberStationingFeet
Public propertyStatic memberStationingMeters
Public propertyStatic memberStationingSurveyFeet
US survey feet.
Public propertyStatic memberTherms
Public propertyStatic memberThousandBritishThermalUnitsPerHour
Thousand British thermal units per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberTonneForceMeters
Tonne force meters.
Public propertyStatic memberTonneForceMetersPerMeter
Tonne force meters per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberTonnes
Public propertyStatic memberTonnesForce
Tonnes force.
Public propertyStatic memberTonnesForcePerMeter
Tonnes force per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberTonnesForcePerSquareMeter
Tonnes force per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberTonsOfRefrigeration
Tons of refrigeration.
Public propertyStatic memberUsGallons
US gallons.
Public propertyStatic memberUsGallonsPerHour
US gallons per hour.
Public propertyStatic memberUsGallonsPerMinute
US gallons per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberUsSurveyFeet
US survey feet.
Public propertyStatic memberUsTonnesForce
US tonnes force.
Public propertyStatic memberUsTonnesMass
US tonnes mass.
Public propertyStatic memberVoltAmperes
Volt amperes.
Public propertyStatic memberVoltAmperesPerSquareFoot
Volt amperes per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberVoltAmperesPerSquareMeter
Volt amperes per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberVolts
Public propertyStatic memberWatts
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerCubicFoot
Watts per cubic foot.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerCubicFootPerMinute
Watts per cubic foot per minute.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerCubicMeter
Watts per cubic meter.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerCubicMeterPerSecond
Watts per cubic meter per second.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerFoot
Watts per foot.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerMeter
Watts per meter.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerMeterKelvin
Watts per meter kelvin.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerSquareFoot
Watts per square foot.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerSquareMeter
Watts per square meter.
Public propertyStatic memberWattsPerSquareMeterKelvin
Watts per square meter kelvin.

See Also