Revit 2024 API |
Zone Members |
Zone Class Methods Properties See Also |
The Zone type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AddSpaces | Add a set of existing spaces to Zone element. | |
ArePhasesModifiable |
Returns true if the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId can be modified for this Element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
CanBeHidden | Indicates if the element can be hidden in the view. (Inherited from Element.) | |
CanBeLocked |
Identifies if the element can be locked.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
CanDeleteSubelement |
Checks if given subelement can be removed from the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
CanHaveTypeAssigned()()()() |
Identifies if the element can have a type assigned.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
ChangeTypeId(ElementId) |
Changes the type of the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
CreateAreaBasedLoad |
Creates a new instance of an area based load and adds it to the document.
| |
DeleteEntity |
Deletes the existing entity created by %schema% in the element
(Inherited from Element.) | |
DeleteSubelement |
Removes a subelement from the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
DeleteSubelements |
Removes the subelements from the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
Dispose | (Inherited from Element.) | |
Equals | Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
EvaluateAllParameterValues |
Evaluates all the parameters' values of the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
EvaluateParameterValues |
Evaluate the parameters' values of the element on the given parameter ID set.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetDependentElements |
Get all elements that, from a logical point of view, are the children of this Element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetDomainData |
Gets the domain data for the zone.
| |
GetEntity |
Returns the existing entity corresponding to the Schema if it has been saved in the
Element, or an invalid entity otherwise.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetEntitySchemaGuids |
Returns the Schema guids of any Entities stored in this element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetExternalFileReference |
Gets information pertaining to the external file referenced
by the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetExternalResourceReference |
Gets the ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetExternalResourceReferenceExpanded |
Gets the collection of ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetExternalResourceReferences |
Gets the map of the external resource references referenced
by the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetExternalResourceReferencesExpanded |
Gets the expanded map of the external resource references referenced
by the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetGeneratingElementIds |
Returns the ids of the element(s) that generated the input geometry object.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetGeometryObjectFromReference |
Retrieve one geometric primitive contained in the element given a reference.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetHashCode | Serves as a hash function for a particular type. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetMaterialArea |
Gets the area of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetMaterialIds |
Gets the element ids of all materials present in the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetMaterialVolume |
Gets the volume of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetMonitoredLinkElementIds |
Provides the link instance IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetMonitoredLocalElementIds |
Provides the local element IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetOrderedParameters |
Gets the parameters associated to the element in order.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetParameter | Retrieves a parameter from the element given identifier. (Inherited from Element.) | |
GetParameterFormatOptions |
Returns a FormatOptions override for the element Parameter, or a default FormatOptions if no override exists.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetParameters | Retrieves the parameters from the element via the given name. (Inherited from Element.) | |
GetPhaseStatus |
Gets the status of a given element in the input phase
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetSubelements |
Returns the collection of element subelements.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetTypeId |
Returns the identifier of this element's type.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
GetValidTypes()()()() |
Obtains a set of types that are valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
HasPhases |
Returns true if this Element has the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsCreatedPhaseOrderValid |
Returns true if createdPhaseId and demolishedPhaseId are in order.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsDemolishedPhaseOrderValid |
Returns true if createdPhaseId and demolishedPhaseId are in order.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsExternalFileReference |
Determines whether this Element represents an external
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsHidden | Identifies if the element has been permanently hidden in the view. (Inherited from Element.) | |
IsMonitoringLinkElement |
Indicate whether an element is monitoring any elements in any linked models.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsMonitoringLocalElement |
Indicate whether an element is monitoring other local elements.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsPhaseCreatedValid |
Returns true if createdPhaseId is an allowed value for the property CreatedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsPhaseDemolishedValid |
Returns true if demolishedPhaseId is an allowed value for the property DemolishedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsValidType(ElementId) |
Checks if given type is valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
LookupParameter | Attempts to find a parameter on the element which has the given name. (Inherited from Element.) | |
RefersToExternalResourceReference |
Determines whether this Element uses external resources associated with
a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
RefersToExternalResourceReferences |
Determines whether this Element uses external resources.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
RemoveSpaces | Remove a set of existing spaces to the current Zone element. | |
SetEntity |
Stores the entity in the element. If an Entity described by the same Schema already
exists, it is overwritten.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) |
Name | Description | |
Area | Get the Area of the Zone. | |
AssemblyInstanceId |
The id of the assembly instance to which the element belongs.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
Boundary | Returns the boundary of the Zone. | |
BoundingBox | Retrieves a box that circumscribes all geometry of the element. (Inherited from Element.) | |
CalculatedCoolingLoad | Get the Calculated Cooling Load of the Zone. | |
CalculatedHeatingLoad | Get the Calculated Heating Load of the Zone. | |
CalculatedSupplyAirflow | Get the Calculated Supply Airflow of the Zone. | |
Category | Retrieves a Category object that represents the category or sub category in which the
element resides. (Inherited from Element.) | |
CoolingAirTemperature | Get or set the Cooling Air Temperature of the Zone. | |
CoolingSetPoint | Get or set the Cooling Set Point of the Zone. | |
CreatedPhaseId |
Id of a Phase at which the Element was created.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
DehumidificationSetPoint | Get or set the DeHumidification Set Point of the Zone. | |
DemolishedPhaseId |
Id of a Phase at which the Element was demolished.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
DesignOption | Returns the design option to which the element belongs. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Document | Returns the Document in which the Element resides. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Geometry | Retrieves the geometric representation of the element. (Inherited from Element.) | |
GrossArea | Get the Gross Area of the Zone. | |
GrossVolume | Get the Gross Volume of the Zone. | |
GroupId |
The id of the group to which an element belongs.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
HeatingAirTemperature | Get or set the Heating Air Temperature of the Zone. | |
HeatingSetPoint | Get or set the Heating Set Point of the Zone. | |
HumidificationSetPoint | Get or set the Humidification Set Point of the Zone. | |
Id |
A unique identifier for an Element in an Autodesk Revit project.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsDefaultZone | Reports whether this zone is default or not. | |
IsModifiable |
Identifies if the element is modifiable.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsTransient |
Indicates whether an element is transient or permanent.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
IsValidObject |
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
LevelId |
The id of the level associated with the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
Location | This property is used to find the physical location of an element within a project. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Name | Get or Set the Name of the Zone. (Overrides Element..::..Name.) | |
OwnerViewId |
The id of the view that owns the element.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
Parameter[([( Guid])]) | Retrieves a parameter from the element given a GUID for a shared parameter. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Parameter[([( BuiltInParameter])]) | Retrieves a parameter from the element given a parameter id. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Parameter[([( Definition])]) | Retrieves a parameter from the element based on its definition. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Parameters | Retrieves a set containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element. (Inherited from Element.) | |
ParametersMap | Retrieves a map containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element. (Inherited from Element.) | |
Perimeter | Get the Perimeter of the Zone. | |
Phase | Get the Phase of the Zone. | |
Pinned |
Identifies if the element has been pinned to prevent changes.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
ServiceType | Get or set the Service Type of the Zone. | |
Spaces | Get the Spaces of the Zone. | |
UniqueId |
A stable unique identifier for an element within the document.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
VersionGuid |
Get the element version Guid.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
ViewSpecific |
Identifies if the element is owned by a view.
(Inherited from Element.) | |
Volume | Get the Volume of the Zone. | |
WorksetId |
Get Id of the Workset which owns the element.
(Inherited from Element.) |