StructuralSectionGeneralT Members

The StructuralSectionGeneralT type exposes the following members.


Public methodStructuralSectionGeneralT
Creates a new instance of Tees shape.


Public methodDispose (Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetBoundarySize
Returns size of the section boundary.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public methodGetEnumerator (Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public methodGetFlangeThicknessInFlangeCenter
Returns thickness of flange measured in the 0.25 * (width - webThickess), sometimes used for sections with width > 300 mm.
Public methodGetFlangeThicknessInQuarterWidth
Returns thickness of flange measured in the 0.25 * width, sometimes used for sections with width <= 300 mm.
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetWebThicknessInHeightCenter
Returns thickness of web measured in the 0.5 * height,
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)


Public propertyAnalysisParams
Common set of parameters for structural analysis.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyCentroidHorizontal
Distance from centroid to the left extremites along horizontal axis.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionRectangular.)
Public propertyCentroidVertical
Distance from centroid to the upper extremites along vertical axis.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionRectangular.)
Public propertyElasticModulusStrongAxis
Elastic section modulus about main strong axis for calculation of bending stresses.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyElasticModulusWeakAxis
Elastic section modulus about main weak axis for calculation of bending stresses.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyFlangeFillet
Flange Fillet - fillet radius at the flange end.
Public propertyFlangeThickness
Flange Thickness.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionHotRolled.)
Public propertyFlangeThicknessLocation
Flange Thickness Location.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionHotRolled.)
Public propertyFlangeToeOfFillet
Detailing distance from center of web to flange toe of fillet, in. (mm)
Public propertyHeight
Section height, depth.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionRectangular.)
Public propertyIsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyMomentOfInertiaStrongAxis
Moment of Inertia about main strong axis (I).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyMomentOfInertiaWeakAxis
Moment of Inertia about main weak axis (I).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyNameKey
Name Key
(Inherited from StructuralSectionRectangular.)
Public propertyNominalWeight
Unit weight (not mass) per unit length, for self-weight calculation or quantity survey.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyPerimeter
Painting surface of the unit length.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyPlasticModulusStrongAxis
Plastic section modulus in bending about main strong axis (Z, Wpl).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyPlasticModulusWeakAxis
Plastic section modulus in bending about main weak axis.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyPrincipalAxesAngle
Rotation angle between the principal axes and cross section reference planes.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertySectionArea
Cross section area.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertySectionNameKey
A parameter in structural families which allows for family type identification. This will be used for data mapping during model exchange with another program, namely Advance Steel.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyShearAreaStrongAxis
Shear area (reduced extreme shear stress coefficient) in the direction of strong axis (Wq).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyShearAreaWeakAxis
Shear area (reduced extreme shear stress coefficient) in the direction of weak axis (Wq).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertySlopedFlangeAngle
Sloped flange angle. (rad)
Public propertySlopedWebAngle
Sloped web angle. (rad)
Public propertyStructuralSectionGeneralShape
The general type of structural section shape.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyStructuralSectionShape
The type of structural section shape.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyStructuralSectionShapeName
A human readable string representing the structural section shape.
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyTopWebFillet
Top Web Fillet - fillet radius at the top of web.
Public propertyTorsionalModulus
Section modulus for calculations of torsion stresses (Ct).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyTorsionalMomentOfInertia
Torsional Moment of inertia (J, IT, K), for calculation of torsional deformation
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyWarpingConstant
Warping constant (Cw, Iomega, H).
(Inherited from StructuralSection.)
Public propertyWebFillet
Web Fillet - fillet radius between web and flange.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionHotRolled.)
Public propertyWebThickness
Web Thickness.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionHotRolled.)
Public propertyWebThicknessLocation
Web Thickness Location.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionHotRolled.)
Public propertyWebToeOfFillet
Detailing distance from outer face of flange to web toe of fillet, in. (mm)
Public propertyWidth
Section width.
(Inherited from StructuralSectionRectangular.)

See Also