DirectShapeType Members

The DirectShapeType type exposes the following members.


Public methodAddExternallyTaggedGeometry
Adds the externally tagged geometry object to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodAddReferenceCurve(Curve)
Adds a reference curve to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodAddReferenceCurve(Curve, DirectShapeReferenceOptions)
Adds a reference curve to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodAddReferencePlane(Plane)
Adds a reference plane to the DirectShapeType. The reference plane can either be bounded or unbounded.
Public methodAddReferencePlane(Plane, BoundingBoxUV)
Adds a reference plane to the DirectShapeType. The reference plane can either be bounded or unbounded.
Public methodAddReferencePlane(Plane, DirectShapeReferenceOptions)
Adds a reference plane to the DirectShapeType. The reference plane can either be bounded or unbounded.
Public methodAddReferencePlane(Plane, BoundingBoxUV, DirectShapeReferenceOptions)
Adds a reference plane to the DirectShapeType. The reference plane can either be bounded or unbounded.
Public methodAddReferencePoint(XYZ)
Adds a reference point to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodAddReferencePoint(XYZ, DirectShapeReferenceOptions)
Adds a reference point to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodAppendShape(IList<(Of <<'(GeometryObject>)>>))
Appends the collection of GeometryObjects into the model shape representation stored in this DirectShape.
Public methodAppendShape(ShapeBuilder)
Append shape built by the supplied ShapeBuilderObject to shape representation stored in this DirectShapeType. The data stored in the supplied ShapeBuilder object will be cleared.
Public methodAppendShape(IList<(Of <<'(GeometryObject>)>>), DirectShapeTargetViewType)
Appends the collection of GeometryObjects into the model or view specific shape representation stored in this DirectShapeType. Passing DirectShapeTargetViewType.Default as view type will cause the model shape to be updated.
Public methodAreOptionsValid
Validates that the given DirectShapeTypeOptions are allowed for this particular DirectShapeType.
Public methodArePhasesModifiable
Returns true if the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId can be modified for this Element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodAreValidDirectShapeReferenceOptions
Validates that the input DirectShapeReferenceOptions are suitable for creating a direct shape reference object. If the options specify an ExternalGeometryId, it must not correspond to any existing reference object belonging to the DirectShapeType.
Public methodCanBeHidden
Indicates if the element can be hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodCanBeLocked
Identifies if the element can be locked.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodCanChangeFamilyName
Checks whether the DirectShapeType supports a custom family name.
Public methodCanCreateParts
Indicates if it is possible to create parts from this DirectShapeType element.
Public methodCanDeleteSubelement
Checks if given subelement can be removed from the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodCanHaveTypeAssigned()()()()
Identifies if the element can have a type assigned.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodChangeTypeId(ElementId)
Changes the type of the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Document, String, ElementId)
Creates a DirectShapeType element.
Public methodStatic memberCreate(Document, String, ElementId, DirectShapeTypeOptions)
Creates a DirectShapeType element.
Public methodDeleteEntity
Deletes the existing entity created by %schema% in the element
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodDeleteSubelement
Removes a subelement from the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodDeleteSubelements
Removes the subelements from the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodDispose (Inherited from Element.)
Public methodDuplicate
Duplicates an existing element type and assigns it a new name.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object is equal to the current Object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodEvaluateAllParameterValues
Evaluates all the parameters' values of the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodEvaluateParameterValues
Evaluate the parameters' values of the element on the given parameter ID set.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetDependentElements
Get all elements that, from a logical point of view, are the children of this Element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetEntity
Returns the existing entity corresponding to the Schema if it has been saved in the Element, or an invalid entity otherwise.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetEntitySchemaGuids
Returns the Schema guids of any Entities stored in this element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetExternalFileReference
Gets information pertaining to the external file referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetExternallyTaggedGeometry
Gets the externally tagged geometry by its external ID that is stored in this DirectShapeType.
Public methodGetExternallyTaggedReference
Retrieve a Reference to reference geometry of the DirectShapeType that is associated with a particular ExternalGeometryId.
Public methodGetExternalResourceReference
Gets the ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetExternalResourceReferenceExpanded
Gets the collection of ExternalResourceReference associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetExternalResourceReferences
Gets the map of the external resource references referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetExternalResourceReferencesExpanded
Gets the expanded map of the external resource references referenced by the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetGeneratingElementIds
Returns the ids of the element(s) that generated the input geometry object.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetGeometryObjectFromReference
Retrieve one geometric primitive contained in the element given a reference.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetHashCode
Serves as a hash function for a particular type.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetMaterialArea
Gets the area of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetMaterialIds
Gets the element ids of all materials present in the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetMaterialVolume
Gets the volume of the material with the given id.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetMonitoredLinkElementIds
Provides the link instance IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetMonitoredLocalElementIds
Provides the local element IDs when the element is monitoring.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetOptions
Gets a copy of the current options for this DirectShapeType.
Public methodGetOrderedParameters
Gets the parameters associated to the element in order.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetParameter
Retrieves a parameter from the element given identifier.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetParameterFormatOptions
Returns a FormatOptions override for the element Parameter, or a default FormatOptions if no override exists.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetParameters
Retrieves the parameters from the element via the given name.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetPhaseStatus
Gets the status of a given element in the input phase
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetPreviewImage
Get the preview image of an element. This image is similar to what is seen in the Revit UI when selecting the type of an element.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public methodGetSimilarTypes
Obtains a set of types that are similar to this type.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public methodGetSubelements
Returns the collection of element subelements.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTypeId
Returns the identifier of this element's type.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodGetValidTypes()()()()
Obtains a set of types that are valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodHasExternalGeometry
Checks whether the externally tagged geometry is already present in this DirectShapeType.
Public methodHasExternallyTaggedReference
Checks if the externally tagged reference is already present in this DirectShapeType.
Public methodHasPhases
Returns true if this Element has the properties CreatedPhaseId and DemolishedPhaseId.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsCreatedPhaseOrderValid
Returns true if createdPhaseId and demolishedPhaseId are in order.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsDemolishedPhaseOrderValid
Returns true if createdPhaseId and demolishedPhaseId are in order.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsExternalFileReference
Determines whether this Element represents an external file.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsHidden
Identifies if the element has been permanently hidden in the view.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsMonitoringLinkElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring any elements in any linked models.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsMonitoringLocalElement
Indicate whether an element is monitoring other local elements.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsPhaseCreatedValid
Returns true if createdPhaseId is an allowed value for the property CreatedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsPhaseDemolishedValid
Returns true if demolishedPhaseId is an allowed value for the property DemolishedPhaseId in this Element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsSimilarType
Checks if given type is similar to this type.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public methodIsValidDefaultFamilyType
Identifies if this type is a valid default family type for the given family category id.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public methodStatic memberIsValidReferenceCurve
Validates that the input curve is suitable for creating a direct shape type reference curve. Bounded and unbounded lines are accepted. Other bounded and unbounded curve types with natural bounds are accepted if they are not closed. Unbounded periodic curves are not allowed.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidReferencePlaneBoundingBoxUV
Validates that the input BoundingBoxUV is suitable for bounding a reference plane surface. The input BoundingBoxUV must be set and not degenerate.
Public methodIsValidShape(ExternallyTaggedGeometryObject)
Validates shape to be stored in a DirectShapeType.
Public methodIsValidShape(IList<(Of <<'(GeometryObject>)>>))
Validates shape to be stored in a DirectShapeType.
Public methodIsValidShape(IList<(Of <<'(GeometryObject>)>>), DirectShapeTargetViewType)
Validates view-specific shape to be stored in a DirectShapeType. Expects a non-default view type.
Public methodIsValidType(ElementId)
Checks if given type is valid for this element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodIsValidUsage
Validates that the ExternallyTaggedGeometryObject's usage is set to an allowed value for a DirectShapeType.
Public methodLookupParameter
Attempts to find a parameter on the element which has the given name.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodRefersToExternalResourceReference
Determines whether this Element uses external resources associated with a specified external resource type.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodRefersToExternalResourceReferences
Determines whether this Element uses external resources.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodRemoveAllReferenceObjects
Removes all reference objects (if any) from the DirectShapeType.
Public methodRemoveExternallyTaggedGeometry
Removes the externally tagged geometry object by its external ID from this DirectShapeType.
Public methodRemoveReferenceObject(String)
Removes any reference objects with the given name from the DirectShapeType. Nothing is done if no reference objects have the given name or if the name is the empty string.
Public methodRemoveReferenceObject(ExternalGeometryId)
Removes any reference object associated with the provided ExternalGeometryId from the DirectShapeType. Nothing is done if no reference object has the given external ID or if the external ID is an empty string.
Public methodResetExternallyTaggedGeometry
Removes all of the externally tagged geometry in this DirectShapeType.
Public methodSetEntity
Stores the entity in the element. If an Entity described by the same Schema already exists, it is overwritten.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public methodSetFamilyName
Sets the family name for the DirectShapeType.
Public methodSetOptions
Sets the options to use for this DirectShapeType.
Public methodSetShape(IList<(Of <<'(GeometryObject>)>>))
Builds the type shape from the supplied collection of GeometryObjects. The objects are copied. If the new shape is identical to the old one, the old shape will be kept.
Public methodSetShape(ShapeBuilder)
Sets the shape of this object to the one accumulated in the supplied Builder object. If the new shape is identical to the old one, the old shape will be kept.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUpdateExternallyTaggedGeometry
Updates the externally tagged geometry object in the DirectShapeType.


Public propertyAssemblyInstanceId
The id of the assembly instance to which the element belongs.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyBoundingBox
Retrieves a box that circumscribes all geometry of the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyCanBeCopied
Determine if this ElementType can create a copy
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public propertyCanBeDeleted
Determine if this ElementType can be deleted
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public propertyCanBeRenamed
Determine if this ElementType can be renamed
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public propertyCategory
Retrieves a Category object that represents the category or sub category in which the element resides.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyCreatedPhaseId
Id of a Phase at which the Element was created.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyDemolishedPhaseId
Id of a Phase at which the Element was demolished.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyDesignOption
Returns the design option to which the element belongs.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyDocument
Returns the Document in which the Element resides.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyFamilyName
Gets the family name of this element type.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public propertyGeometry
Retrieves the geometric representation of the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyGroupId
The id of the group to which an element belongs.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyId
A unique identifier for an Element in an Autodesk Revit project.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyIsModifiable
Identifies if the element is modifiable.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyIsTransient
Indicates whether an element is transient or permanent.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyIsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyLevelId
The id of the level associated with the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyLocation
This property is used to find the physical location of an element within a project.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyName
Set the name for the ElementType.
(Inherited from ElementType.)
Public propertyOwnerViewId
The id of the view that owns the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyParameter[([( Guid])])
Retrieves a parameter from the element given a GUID for a shared parameter.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyParameter[([( BuiltInParameter])])
Retrieves a parameter from the element given a parameter id.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyParameter[([( Definition])])
Retrieves a parameter from the element based on its definition.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyParameters
Retrieves a set containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyParametersMap
Retrieves a map containing all of the parameters that are contained within the element.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyPinned
Identifies if the element has been pinned to prevent changes.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyUniqueId
A stable unique identifier for an element within the document.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyUserAssignability
An option controlling the ability of DirectShapes to assign this DirectShapeType as its type.
Public propertyVersionGuid
Get the element version Guid.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyViewSpecific
Identifies if the element is owned by a view.
(Inherited from Element.)
Public propertyWorksetId
Get Id of the Workset which owns the element.
(Inherited from Element.)

See Also