Document Members

The Document type exposes the following members.


Public methodAcquireCoordinates
Acquires coordinates from the specified link instance.
Public methodAutoJoinElements
Forces the elements in the Revit document to automatically join to their neighbors where appropriate.
Public methodCanEnableCloudWorksharing
Checks if cloud worksharing can be enabled for the cloud model.
Public methodCanEnableWorksharing
Checks if worksharing can be enabled in the document.
Public methodClose()()()()
Closes the document, save the changes if there are.
Public methodClose(Boolean)
Closes the document with the option to save.
Public methodCombineElements
Combine a set of combinable elements into a geometry combination.
Public methodConvertDetailToModelCurves
Converts a group of DetailCurves to equivalent ModelCurves.
Public methodConvertModelToDetailCurves
Converts a group of ModelCurves to equivalent DetailCurves.
Public methodConvertModelToSymbolicCurves
Converts a group of ModelCurves to equivalent SymbolicCurves.
Public methodConvertSymbolicToModelCurves
Converts a group of SymbolicCurves to equivalent ModelCurves.
Public methodDelete(ElementId)
Deletes an element from the document given the id of that element.
Public methodDelete(ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>))
Deletes a set of elements from the document.
Public methodDispose
Releases all resources used by the Document
Public methodEditFamily
Gets the document of a loaded family to edit.
Public methodEnableCloudWorksharing
Enables cloud worksharing for a cloud model
Public methodEnableWorksharing
Enables worksharing in the document.
Public methodEquals
Determines whether the specified Object equals to this Object.
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).)
Public methodEraseSchemaAndAllEntities
Erases Schema and all its Entities from the document.
Public methodExport(String, IList<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), PDFExportOptions)
Exports a selection of views in PDF format.
Public methodExport(String, String, GBXMLExportOptions)
Export the model in gbXML (green-building) format.
Public methodExport(String, String, IFCExportOptions)
Exports the document to the Industry Standard Classes (IFC) format.
Public methodExport(String, String, NavisworksExportOptions)
Exports a Revit project to the Navisworks .nwc format.
Public methodExport(String, String, OBJExportOptions)
Exports a view specified in the export options to the OBJ format.
Public methodExport(String, String, STLExportOptions)
Exports a view specified in the export options to the STL format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ViewSet, DWFExportOptions)
Exports the current view or a selection of views in DWF format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ViewSet, DWFXExportOptions)
Exports the current view or a selection of views in DWFX format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ViewSet, FBXExportOptions)
Exports the document in 3D-Studio Max (FBX) format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DGNExportOptions)
Exports a selection of views in DGN format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DWGExportOptions)
Exports a selection of views in DWG format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DXFExportOptions)
Exports a selection of views in DXF format.
Public methodExport(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), SATExportOptions)
Exports the current view or a selection of views in SAT format.
Public methodExportImage
Exports a view or set of views into an image file.
Public methodGetAllUnusedElements
Returns the list of element ids that are not used. The list of unused element ids may include elements that can't be deleted.
Public methodGetChangedElements
Extracts a collection containing the ids of elements that have been created, modified or deleted between the input baseVersion and the document's current version.
Public methodGetCloudFolderId
Gets ForgeDM folder id where the model locates.
Public methodGetCloudModelPath
Gets the cloud model path of the cloud model.
Public methodGetCloudModelUrn
A ForgeDM Urn identifying the model.
Public methodGetDefaultElementTypeId
Gets the default element type id with the given DefaultElementType id.
Public methodGetDefaultFamilyTypeId
Gets the default family type id with the given family category id.
Public methodGetDocumentPreviewSettings
Returns the preview settings for the given document.
Public methodStatic memberGetDocumentVersion
Gets the DocumentVersion that corresponds to a document.
Public methodGetElement(String)
Gets the Element referenced by a unique id string.
Public methodGetElement(ElementId)
Gets the Element referenced by the input ElementId.
Public methodGetElement(Reference)
Gets the Element referenced by the input reference.
Public methodGetHashCode
Gets the hash code of this document instance.
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().)
Public methodGetHubId
Gets ForgeDM hub id where the model locates. It is cached in session.
Public methodGetPaintedMaterial
Get the material painted on the element's face. Returns invalidElementId if the face is not painted.
Public methodGetPrintSettingIds
Retrieves all Print Settings of current project.
Public methodGetProjectId
Gets ForgeDM project id where the model locates.
Public methodGetRoomAtPoint(XYZ)
Gets a room containing the point.
Public methodGetRoomAtPoint(XYZ, Phase)
Gets a room containing the point.
Public methodGetSpaceAtPoint(XYZ)
Gets a space containing the point.
Public methodGetSpaceAtPoint(XYZ, Phase)
Gets a space containing the point.
Public methodGetSubelement(String)
Gets the subelement referenced by a unique id string.
Public methodGetSubelement(Reference)
Gets the subelement referenced by the input reference.
Public methodGetSubelement(ElementId, Int32)
Gets the subelement referenced by a parent id and subelement id.
Public methodGetType
Gets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodGetTypeOfStorage
Get the storage type of the identified built-in parameter.
Public methodGetUnits
Gets the Units object.
Public methodGetUnusedElements
Returns the list of element ids that are not used and can be deleted from the document.
Public methodGetWarnings
Returns list of failure messages generated from persistent (reviewable) warnings accumulated in the document.
Public methodGetWorksetId
Get Id of the Workset which owns the element.
Public methodGetWorksetTable
Get the WorksetTable of this document.
Public methodGetWorksharingCentralModelPath
Gets the central model path of the worksharing model.
Public methodHasAllChangesFromCentral
Returns whether the model in the current session is up to date with central.
Public methodImport(String, GBXMLImportOptions)
Imports a Green-Building XML file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, AXMImportOptions, View)
Imports an AXM file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, ImportOptions3DM, View)
Imports a 3DM file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, OBJImportOptions, View)
Imports an OBJ file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, SATImportOptions, View)
Imports an SAT file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, SKPImportOptions, View)
Imports a SKP file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, STLImportOptions, View)
Imports an STL file into the document.
Public methodImport(String, DGNImportOptions, View, ElementId%)
Imports a DGN file to the document.
Public methodImport(String, DWGImportOptions, View, ElementId%)
Imports a DWG or DXF file to the document.
Public methodIsBackgroundCalculationInProgress
Indicates whether there are any background calculations in progress for this document.
Public methodIsDefaultElementTypeIdValid
Checks whether the element type id is valid for the give DefaultElmentType id.
Public methodIsDefaultFamilyTypeIdValid
Checks whether the family type id is valid for the give family category.
Public methodIsPainted
Checks if the element's face is painted with a material.
Public methodStatic memberIsValidVersionGUID
Checks whether the GUID is valid for the given document. Empty GUID is allowed.
Public methodLink(String, DWFImportOptions)
Links Markups in a DWF file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, ImportOptions3DM, View)
Links a 3DM file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, OBJImportOptions, View)
Links an OBJ file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, SATImportOptions, View)
Links an SAT file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, SKPImportOptions, View)
Links a SKP file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, STLImportOptions, View)
Links an STL file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, DGNImportOptions, View, ElementId%)
Links a DGN file into the project document.
Public methodLink(String, DWGImportOptions, View, ElementId%)
Links a DWG or DXF file into the project document.
Public methodLoadFamily(String)
Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document.
Public methodLoadFamily(Document)
Loads the contents of this family document into another document.
Public methodLoadFamily(String, Family%)
Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document and provides a reference to the loaded family.
Public methodLoadFamily(Document, IFamilyLoadOptions)
Loads the contents of this family document into another document.
Public methodLoadFamily(String, IFamilyLoadOptions, Family%)
Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document and provides a reference to the loaded family.
Public methodLoadFamilySymbol(String, String)
Loads only a specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document.
Public methodLoadFamilySymbol(String, String, FamilySymbol%)
Loads only the specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document and provides a reference to the loaded family symbol.
Public methodLoadFamilySymbol(String, String, IFamilyLoadOptions, FamilySymbol%)
Loads only the specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document and provides a reference to the loaded family symbol.
Public methodMakeTransientElements
This method encapsulates the process of creating transient elements in the document.
Public methodPaint(ElementId, Face, ElementId)
Paint the element's face with specified material.
Public methodPaint(ElementId, Face, FamilyParameter)
Paint the element's face with specified material.
Public methodPostFailure
Posts a failure to be displayed to the user at the end of transaction.
Public methodPrint(ViewSet)
Prints a set of views with default view template and default print settings.
Public methodPrint(ViewSet, View)
Prints a set of views with a specified view template and default print settings.
Public methodPrint(ViewSet, Boolean)
Prints a set of views with default view template and default print settings.
Public methodPrint(ViewSet, View, Boolean)
Prints a set of views with a specified view template and default print settings.
Public methodPublishCoordinates
Publish coordinates to the specified ProjectLocation of the link instance.
Public methodRegenerate
Updates the elements in the Revit document to reflect all changes.
Public methodReloadLatest
Fetches changes from central (due to one or more synchronizations with central) and merges them into the current session.
Public methodRemovePaint
Remove the material painted on the element's face. If the face is currently not painted,it will do nothing.
Public methodResetSharedCoordinates
Reset shared coordinates for the host model/file.
Public methodSave()()()()
Saves the document.
Public methodSave(SaveOptions)
Saves the document.
Public methodSaveAs(String)
Saves the document to a given file path.
Public methodSaveAs(String, SaveAsOptions)
Saves the document to a given file path.
Public methodSaveAs(ModelPath, SaveAsOptions)
Saves the document to a given path.
Public methodSaveAsCloudModel
Saves current non-workshared or workshared model as a cloud model or workshared cloud model in BIM 360 Docs or Autodesk Docs.
Public methodSaveCloudModel
Saves cloud model.
Public methodSaveToProjectAsImage
Creates an image view from the currently active view.
Public methodSeparateElements
Separate a set of combinable elements out of combinations they currently belong to.
Public methodSetDefaultElementTypeId
Sets the default element type id of the given DefaultElementType id.
Public methodSetDefaultFamilyTypeId
Sets the default family type id for the given family category.
Public methodSetUnits
Sets the units.
Public methodSynchronizeWithCentral
Performs reload latest until the model in the current session is up to date and then saves changes back to central. A save to central is performed even if no changes were made.
Public methodToString
Returns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object.)
Public methodUnpostFailure
Deletes the posted failure message associated with a given FailureMessageKey.


Public propertyActiveProjectLocation
Retrieve the active project location.
Public propertyActiveView
The document's active view.
Public propertyApplication
Returns the Application in which the Document resides.
Public propertyCreate
An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements within a project.
Public propertyCreationGUID
A unique identifier generated when the Document was first created.
Public propertyDisplayUnitSystem
Provides access to display unit type with in the document.
Public propertyFamilyCreate
An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements within a family document.
Public propertyFamilyManager
The family manager object provides access to family types and parameters.
Public propertyIsDetached
Identifies if a workshared document is detached. Also, see IsWorkshared
Public propertyIsFamilyDocument
Identifies if the current document is a family document.
Public propertyIsLinked
Identifies if a document is a linked RVT.
Public propertyIsModelInCloud
Identifies if document is stored on Autodesk cloud services.
Public propertyIsModifiable
Identifies if the document is modifiable.
Public propertyIsModified
The state of changes made to the document.
Public propertyIsReadOnly
Identifies if the document is read-only or can possibly be modified.
Public propertyIsReadOnlyFile
Signals whether the document was opened from a read-only file.
Public propertyIsValidObject
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
Public propertyIsWorkshared
Identifies if worksharing (i.e. editing permissions and multiple worksets) have been enabled in the document. Also, see IsDetached
Public propertyMassDisplayTemporaryOverride
This setting controls temporary display in views of objects with mass category or subcategories.
Public propertyMullionTypes
This property is used to retrieve all the mullion types in current system.
Public propertyOwnerFamily
Get the Family of this Family Document.
Public propertyPanelTypes
Retrieves a set of PanelType objects that contains all the panel types that are currently loaded into the project.
Public propertyParameterBindings
Retrieves an object from which mappings between parameter definitions and categories can be found.
Public propertyPathName
The fully qualified path of the document's disk file.
Public propertyPhases
Retrieves all of the phases in the document.
Public propertyPlanTopologies
Get the PlanTopologies of the current project in the last phase.
Public propertyPlanTopologies[([( Phase])])
Gets the PlanTopologies of the current project in a given phase.
Public propertyPlanTopology[([( Level])])
Get the PlanTopology of a given level in the last phase.
Public propertyPlanTopology[([( Level, Phase])])
Get the PlanTopology of a given level in a given phase.
Public propertyPrintManager
Retrieve the PrintManager of current project.
Public propertyProjectInformation
Return the Project Information of the current project.
Public propertyProjectLocations
Retrieve all the project locations associated with this project
Public propertyReactionsAreUpToDate
Reports if the analytical model has regenerated in a document with reaction loads.
Public propertySettings
Provides access to general application settings, such as Categories.
Public propertySiteLocation
Returns the site location information.
Public propertyTitle
The document's title.
Public propertyTypeOfStorage
Get the storage type of the specified BuiltInParameter.
Public propertyWorksharingCentralGUID
The central GUID of the server-based model.


Public eventDocumentClosing
Subscribe to the DocumentClosing event to be notified when Revit is just about to close a document.
Public eventDocumentPrinted
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view or ViewSet of the document.
Public eventDocumentPrinting
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view or ViewSet of the document.
Public eventDocumentSaved
Subscribe to the DocumentSaved event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving a document.
Public eventDocumentSavedAs
Subscribe to the DocumentSavedAs event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving document with a new file name.
Public eventDocumentSaving
Subscribe to the DocumentSaving event to be notified when Revit is just about to save a document.
Public eventDocumentSavingAs
Subscribe to the DocumentSavingAs event to be notified when Revit is just about to save the document with a new file name.
Public eventViewPrinted
Subscribe to the ViewPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view of the document.
Public eventViewPrinting
Subscribe to the ViewPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view of the document.

See Also