Revit 2024 API |
Document Members |
Document Class Methods Properties Events See Also |
The Document type exposes the following members.
Name | Description | |
AcquireCoordinates |
Acquires coordinates from the specified link instance.
| |
AutoJoinElements | Forces the elements in the Revit document to automatically join to their neighbors where appropriate. | |
CanEnableCloudWorksharing |
Checks if cloud worksharing can be enabled for the cloud model.
| |
CanEnableWorksharing |
Checks if worksharing can be enabled in the document.
| |
Close()()()() | Closes the document, save the changes if there are. | |
Close(Boolean) | Closes the document with the option to save. | |
CombineElements | Combine a set of combinable elements into a geometry combination. | |
ConvertDetailToModelCurves | Converts a group of DetailCurves to equivalent ModelCurves. | |
ConvertModelToDetailCurves | Converts a group of ModelCurves to equivalent DetailCurves. | |
ConvertModelToSymbolicCurves | Converts a group of ModelCurves to equivalent SymbolicCurves. | |
ConvertSymbolicToModelCurves | Converts a group of SymbolicCurves to equivalent ModelCurves. | |
Delete(ElementId) |
Deletes an element from the document given the id of that element.
| |
Delete(ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>)) |
Deletes a set of elements from the document.
| |
Dispose | Releases all resources used by the Document | |
EditFamily | Gets the document of a loaded family to edit. | |
EnableCloudWorksharing |
Enables cloud worksharing for a cloud model
| |
EnableWorksharing |
Enables worksharing in the document.
| |
Equals |
Determines whether the specified Object equals to this Object.
(Overrides Object..::..Equals(Object).) | |
EraseSchemaAndAllEntities |
Erases Schema and all its Entities from the document.
| |
Export(String, IList<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), PDFExportOptions) |
Exports a selection of views in PDF format.
| |
Export(String, String, GBXMLExportOptions) |
Export the model in gbXML (green-building) format.
| |
Export(String, String, IFCExportOptions) |
Exports the document to the Industry Standard Classes (IFC) format.
| |
Export(String, String, NavisworksExportOptions) |
Exports a Revit project to the Navisworks .nwc format.
| |
Export(String, String, OBJExportOptions) |
Exports a view specified in the export options to the OBJ format.
| |
Export(String, String, STLExportOptions) |
Exports a view specified in the export options to the STL format.
| |
Export(String, String, ViewSet, DWFExportOptions) | Exports the current view or a selection of views in DWF format. | |
Export(String, String, ViewSet, DWFXExportOptions) | Exports the current view or a selection of views in DWFX format. | |
Export(String, String, ViewSet, FBXExportOptions) | Exports the document in 3D-Studio Max (FBX) format. | |
Export(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DGNExportOptions) |
Exports a selection of views in DGN format.
| |
Export(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DWGExportOptions) |
Exports a selection of views in DWG format.
| |
Export(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), DXFExportOptions) |
Exports a selection of views in DXF format.
| |
Export(String, String, ICollection<(Of <<'(ElementId>)>>), SATExportOptions) |
Exports the current view or a selection of views in SAT format.
| |
ExportImage |
Exports a view or set of views into an image file.
| |
GetAllUnusedElements |
Returns the list of element ids that are not used. The list of unused element ids may include elements that can't be deleted.
| |
GetChangedElements |
Extracts a collection containing the ids of elements that have been created, modified or deleted between the input baseVersion and the document's current version.
| |
GetCloudFolderId |
Gets ForgeDM folder id where the model locates.
| |
GetCloudModelPath |
Gets the cloud model path of the cloud model.
| |
GetCloudModelUrn |
A ForgeDM Urn identifying the model.
| |
GetDefaultElementTypeId |
Gets the default element type id with the given DefaultElementType id.
| |
GetDefaultFamilyTypeId |
Gets the default family type id with the given family category id.
| |
GetDocumentPreviewSettings |
Returns the preview settings for the given document.
| |
GetDocumentVersion |
Gets the DocumentVersion that corresponds to a document.
| |
GetElement(String) |
Gets the Element referenced by a unique id string.
| |
GetElement(ElementId) |
Gets the Element referenced by the input ElementId.
| |
GetElement(Reference) |
Gets the Element referenced by the input reference.
| |
GetHashCode |
Gets the hash code of this document instance.
(Overrides Object..::..GetHashCode()()()().) | |
GetHubId |
Gets ForgeDM hub id where the model locates. It is cached in session.
| |
GetPaintedMaterial |
Get the material painted on the element's face. Returns invalidElementId if the face is not painted.
| |
GetPrintSettingIds |
Retrieves all Print Settings of current project.
| |
GetProjectId |
Gets ForgeDM project id where the model locates.
| |
GetRoomAtPoint(XYZ) | Gets a room containing the point. | |
GetRoomAtPoint(XYZ, Phase) | Gets a room containing the point. | |
GetSpaceAtPoint(XYZ) | Gets a space containing the point. | |
GetSpaceAtPoint(XYZ, Phase) | Gets a space containing the point. | |
GetSubelement(String) |
Gets the subelement referenced by a unique id string.
| |
GetSubelement(Reference) |
Gets the subelement referenced by the input reference.
| |
GetSubelement(ElementId, Int32) |
Gets the subelement referenced by a parent id and subelement id.
| |
GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object.) | |
GetTypeOfStorage |
Get the storage type of the identified built-in parameter.
| |
GetUnits |
Gets the Units object.
| |
GetUnusedElements |
Returns the list of element ids that are not used and can be deleted from the document.
| |
GetWarnings |
Returns list of failure messages generated from persistent (reviewable) warnings accumulated in the document.
| |
GetWorksetId |
Get Id of the Workset which owns the element.
| |
GetWorksetTable |
Get the WorksetTable of this document.
| |
GetWorksharingCentralModelPath |
Gets the central model path of the worksharing model.
| |
HasAllChangesFromCentral |
Returns whether the model in the current session is up to date with central.
| |
Import(String, GBXMLImportOptions) | Imports a Green-Building XML file into the document. | |
Import(String, AXMImportOptions, View) |
Imports an AXM file into the document.
| |
Import(String, ImportOptions3DM, View) |
Imports a 3DM file into the document.
| |
Import(String, OBJImportOptions, View) |
Imports an OBJ file into the document.
| |
Import(String, SATImportOptions, View) |
Imports an SAT file into the document.
| |
Import(String, SKPImportOptions, View) |
Imports a SKP file into the document.
| |
Import(String, STLImportOptions, View) |
Imports an STL file into the document.
| |
Import(String, DGNImportOptions, View, ElementId%) |
Imports a DGN file to the document.
| |
Import(String, DWGImportOptions, View, ElementId%) |
Imports a DWG or DXF file to the document.
| |
IsBackgroundCalculationInProgress |
Indicates whether there are any background calculations in progress for this document.
| |
IsDefaultElementTypeIdValid |
Checks whether the element type id is valid for the give DefaultElmentType id.
| |
IsDefaultFamilyTypeIdValid |
Checks whether the family type id is valid for the give family category.
| |
IsPainted |
Checks if the element's face is painted with a material.
| |
IsValidVersionGUID |
Checks whether the GUID is valid for the given document. Empty GUID is allowed.
| |
Link(String, DWFImportOptions) |
Links Markups in a DWF file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, ImportOptions3DM, View) |
Links a 3DM file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, OBJImportOptions, View) |
Links an OBJ file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, SATImportOptions, View) |
Links an SAT file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, SKPImportOptions, View) |
Links a SKP file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, STLImportOptions, View) |
Links an STL file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, DGNImportOptions, View, ElementId%) |
Links a DGN file into the project document.
| |
Link(String, DWGImportOptions, View, ElementId%) |
Links a DWG or DXF file into the project document.
| |
LoadFamily(String) | Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document. | |
LoadFamily(Document) | Loads the contents of this family document into another document. | |
LoadFamily(String, Family%) | Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document and provides a reference
to the loaded family. | |
LoadFamily(Document, IFamilyLoadOptions) | Loads the contents of this family document into another document. | |
LoadFamily(String, IFamilyLoadOptions, Family%) | Loads an entire family and all its types/symbols into the document and provides a reference
to the loaded family. | |
LoadFamilySymbol(String, String) | Loads only a specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document. | |
LoadFamilySymbol(String, String, FamilySymbol%) | Loads only the specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document and
provides a reference to the loaded family symbol. | |
LoadFamilySymbol(String, String, IFamilyLoadOptions, FamilySymbol%) | Loads only the specified family type/symbol from a family file into the document and
provides a reference to the loaded family symbol. | |
MakeTransientElements |
This method encapsulates the process of creating transient elements in the document.
| |
Paint(ElementId, Face, ElementId) |
Paint the element's face with specified material.
| |
Paint(ElementId, Face, FamilyParameter) |
Paint the element's face with specified material.
| |
PostFailure |
Posts a failure to be displayed to the user at the end of transaction.
| |
Print(ViewSet) | Prints a set of views with default view template and default print settings. | |
Print(ViewSet, View) | Prints a set of views with a specified view template and default print settings. | |
Print(ViewSet, Boolean) | Prints a set of views with default view template and default print settings. | |
Print(ViewSet, View, Boolean) | Prints a set of views with a specified view template and default print settings. | |
PublishCoordinates |
Publish coordinates to the specified ProjectLocation of the link instance.
| |
Regenerate | Updates the elements in the Revit document to reflect all changes. | |
ReloadLatest |
Fetches changes from central (due to one or more synchronizations with central)
and merges them into the current session.
| |
RemovePaint |
Remove the material painted on the element's face.
If the face is currently not painted,it will do nothing.
| |
ResetSharedCoordinates |
Reset shared coordinates for the host model/file.
| |
Save()()()() |
Saves the document.
| |
Save(SaveOptions) |
Saves the document.
| |
SaveAs(String) |
Saves the document to a given file path.
| |
SaveAs(String, SaveAsOptions) |
Saves the document to a given file path.
| |
SaveAs(ModelPath, SaveAsOptions) |
Saves the document to a given path.
| |
SaveAsCloudModel |
Saves current non-workshared or workshared model as a cloud model or workshared cloud model in BIM 360 Docs or Autodesk Docs.
| |
SaveCloudModel |
Saves cloud model.
| |
SaveToProjectAsImage |
Creates an image view from the currently active view.
| |
SeparateElements | Separate a set of combinable elements out of combinations they currently belong to. | |
SetDefaultElementTypeId |
Sets the default element type id of the given DefaultElementType id.
| |
SetDefaultFamilyTypeId |
Sets the default family type id for the given family category.
| |
SetUnits |
Sets the units.
| |
SynchronizeWithCentral |
Performs reload latest until the model in the current session is up to date and then saves changes back to central.
A save to central is performed even if no changes were made.
| |
ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object.) | |
UnpostFailure |
Deletes the posted failure message associated with a given FailureMessageKey.
Name | Description | |
ActiveProjectLocation | Retrieve the active project location. | |
ActiveView | The document's active view. | |
Application | Returns the Application in which the Document resides. | |
Create | An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements
within a project. | |
CreationGUID |
A unique identifier generated when the Document was first created.
| |
DisplayUnitSystem | Provides access to display unit type with in the document. | |
FamilyCreate | An object that can be used to create new instances of Autodesk Revit API elements
within a family document. | |
FamilyManager | The family manager object provides access to family types and parameters. | |
IsDetached |
Identifies if a workshared document is detached.
Also, see IsWorkshared | |
IsFamilyDocument | Identifies if the current document is a family document. | |
IsLinked |
Identifies if a document is a linked RVT.
| |
IsModelInCloud |
Identifies if document is stored on Autodesk cloud services.
| |
IsModifiable |
Identifies if the document is modifiable.
| |
IsModified |
The state of changes made to the document.
| |
IsReadOnly |
Identifies if the document is read-only or can possibly be modified.
| |
IsReadOnlyFile |
Signals whether the document was opened from a read-only file.
| |
IsValidObject |
Specifies whether the .NET object represents a valid Revit entity.
| |
IsWorkshared |
Identifies if worksharing (i.e. editing permissions and multiple worksets) have been enabled in the document.
Also, see IsDetached | |
MassDisplayTemporaryOverride |
This setting controls temporary display in views of objects with mass category or subcategories.
| |
MullionTypes | This property is used to retrieve all the mullion types in current system. | |
OwnerFamily | Get the Family of this Family Document. | |
PanelTypes | Retrieves a set of PanelType objects that contains all the panel types that are currently loaded into the
project. | |
ParameterBindings | Retrieves an object from which mappings between parameter definitions and categories can
be found. | |
PathName |
The fully qualified path of the document's disk file.
| |
Phases | Retrieves all of the phases in the document. | |
PlanTopologies | Get the PlanTopologies of the current project in the last phase. | |
PlanTopologies[([( Phase])]) | Gets the PlanTopologies of the current project in a given phase. | |
PlanTopology[([( Level])]) | Get the PlanTopology of a given level in the last phase. | |
PlanTopology[([( Level, Phase])]) | Get the PlanTopology of a given level in a given phase. | |
PrintManager |
Retrieve the PrintManager of current project.
| |
ProjectInformation | Return the Project Information of the current project. | |
ProjectLocations | Retrieve all the project locations associated with this project | |
ReactionsAreUpToDate | Reports if the analytical model has regenerated in a document with reaction loads. | |
Settings | Provides access to general application settings, such as Categories. | |
SiteLocation | Returns the site location information. | |
Title |
The document's title.
| |
TypeOfStorage | Get the storage type of the specified BuiltInParameter. | |
WorksharingCentralGUID |
The central GUID of the server-based model.
Name | Description | |
DocumentClosing |
Subscribe to the DocumentClosing event to be notified when Revit is just about to close a document.
| |
DocumentPrinted |
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view or ViewSet of the document.
| |
DocumentPrinting |
Subscribe to the DocumentPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view or ViewSet of the document.
| |
DocumentSaved |
Subscribe to the DocumentSaved event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving a document.
| |
DocumentSavedAs |
Subscribe to the DocumentSavedAs event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished saving document with a new file name.
| |
DocumentSaving |
Subscribe to the DocumentSaving event to be notified when Revit is just about to save a document.
| |
DocumentSavingAs |
Subscribe to the DocumentSavingAs event to be notified when Revit is just about to save the document with a new file name.
| |
ViewPrinted |
Subscribe to the ViewPrinted event to be notified immediately after Revit has finished printing a view of the document.
| |
ViewPrinting |
Subscribe to the ViewPrinting event to be notified when Revit is just about to print a view of the document.